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Liberty Molds 利用 Cimatron 软件消除错误并将设计时间缩短 50%

See how Liberty Molds, Inc. and Allegiance Mold, LLC in Portage, MI use Cimatron integrated CAD/CAM software to design and manufacture custom, high-quality plastic injection molds faster to maintain a competitive edge.
了解位于密歇根州波蒂奇的 Liberty Molds, Inc. 和 Allegiance Mold, LLC 如何使用 Cimatron 集成的 CAD/CAM 软件更快地设计和制造定制的高质量塑料注塑模具,以保持竞争优势。
  • Deliver custom, high-quality molds with fast, on-schedule delivery times.
  • Design and manufacture complex molds.
  • Become more efficient with mold design; reduce translation errors/mistakes.

Cimatron® integrated CAD/CAM software for mold design and manufacturing
Cimatron® 用于模具设计和制造的集成 CAD/CAM 软件

  • Replaced three software solutions with a single, integrated CAD/CAM system.
    用一个集成的 CAD/CAM 系统取代了三个软件解决方案。
  • Eliminated translation errors, resulting in hundreds of hours saved on re-work per error to lower final costs.
  • Cut mold design time by 50 percent.
    将模具设计时间缩短 50%。
  • Prevented slowdowns and avoided additional cost by using simulation tools to identify and correct problems before designs are sent to the shop floor.
  • Reduced the tool build time from 16 weeks to 10–12 weeks.
    将工具构建时间从 16 周缩短到 10-12 周。
  • Accelerated onboarding time for new employees.
  • EDM package will pay for itself in a year or less.
    EDM 包将在一年或更短的时间内收回成本。
Designing a mold with Cimatron
Designing a mold with Cimatron
使用 Cimatron 设计模具
Opening a mold designed and manufactured with Cimatron
Opening a mold designed and manufactured with Cimatron
打开使用 Cimatron 设计和制造的模具
In this business, time is money. Something that used to take us 16 weeks to build, we can now build in 10–12 weeks using Cimatron.
在这项业务中,时间就是金钱。过去需要 16 周才能完成的东西,现在使用 Cimatron 可以在 10-12 周内完成。
Pat Stevens, Engineering Manager, Liberty Molds, Inc., Portage, MI, USA
Pat Stevens,美国密歇根州波蒂奇 Liberty Molds, Inc. 工程经理